Bro. Therese Mikel Francis, OC
Brother Therese Mikel Francis entered the community as a Postulant on May 8th, 2011; began his novitiate on May 18, 2012; made his First Profession of Vows on May 18, 2013; and professed Life Vows on May 14, 2015. He serves the community as Secretary.
He is a registered nurse and holds a Master’s degree in Nursing and a Doctorate in Education. He has been practicing for 33 years and has been teaching at the university level for the last 19. He is a tenured Full Professor at a public university in Southern Indiana. He currently resides in Evansville, IN with his partner, Bruce.
As a convert to Roman Catholicism 20 years ago, Brother embraces the traditions and ritual of the church, but also seeks out the beauty of inclusion and multiple paths to seeking God. He draws inspiration from his co-patrons: St. Francis of Assisi, Saint Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face. The influence of an active and a mystic serve as powerful pillars of strength for Brother.
Over the years the call to religious life grew, first slowly and then prolifically. It simply would not go away, but kept getting stronger. Brother is committed to lifelong formation and constantly prays for and seeks a spirit of conversion. He is grateful to have found the community and loves religious life. It is his firm belief that the closer we are as a community to God and the Trinity, the closer we are to one another.
Brother is commissioned for the ministry of education in which he is engaged full time. His work includes teaching, research and scholarship, and service. He is lives at Journey House in Evansville, IN.