by Brother Guadalupe | Aug 27, 2023 | Community, Home Page
This chapter is drawn from the book, ¨The Community of the Spirit¨ by C. Norman Kraus. He was an observant lifelong Mennonite who served as a missionary, an author, a pastor, and a professor emeritus of Goshen College Indiana. He passed in 2018, and his books cover...
by Brother George | Aug 24, 2023 | Community, Home Page
This was both an interesting chapter and at times difficult. There were points in reading it I felt real anger which I will address below. The chapter juxtaposes two metaphors commonly used in the New Testament to describe the Church. The first is that used by St Paul...
by Sister Kristine Nahara | Aug 14, 2023 | Community, Home Page
Chapter 4 is written by Gerhard Lohfink who is a German Catholic priest and theologian. Lohfink was born in 1934. He has written numerous books in both German and English. What does it mean to be the Body of Christ in the modern world? After all, unlike the past,...
by Brother Andrew Aelred | Aug 13, 2023 | Community, Home Page
Based on Chapter One: The Great Idea by Fyodor Dostoyevsky in Called to Community It comes as a surprise that a book on community begins with Dostoyevsky. Known for his neurotic, pathological characters set in some of the bleakest conditions, Dostoyevsky would seem...
by Brother Jeremiah | Aug 13, 2023 | Community, Home Page
Chapter 3 reminds me of words found in Acts 4:32-35: “The community of believers was of ONE heart and mind and NO ONE claimed that any of his / hers possessions was their own, but they held EVERYTHING in common. With GREAT POWER the apostles bore witness to the...
by Brother Aidan Daniel | Aug 9, 2023 | Community, Home Page
When I read Chapter 3, I started thinking about Dietrich Bonhoffer’s concept of “cheap grace.” From my perspective, cheap grace is essentially exactly how it sounds; it is grace that is cheap. It is cheap in the way that it does not cost people anything. I see it as...
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